Addresses, Phone numbers, e-mail Proposals and Examples of our work Our Education, Training, and Backgrounds Technical and Medical Translation Tarife Specialized Internet Translation and Programming Andrea's Educational Background Andrea's Educational Background in German

Field Research

Andrea W. Rushlow

University of North Carolina
BA, Biology
Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 GPA
"Who's Who" of American Students
Varsity Tennis
Top Scholar
Courses of special interest include scientific writing, amphibian studies,
vertebrate field zoology, parasitology, and behavior, all of which
sharpened my thinking and scientific writing skills.

Asheville-Buncombe Technical College
Asheville, North Carolina
Associate of Science
Graduated with Highest Honors
4.0 GPA
Phi Theta Kappa international scholastic society

Asheville-Buncombe Technical College
Associate of Nursing
Graduated with High Honors


  • UNCA Fall Symposium on Undergraduate Research: Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Egg Masses and Embryos of Ambystoma maculatum.
  • Successfully presented UNCA as the university of choice in the state-to-state exchange program between North Carolina and Baden-Württemberg, Germany. As a result of my presentation, the University of Heidelberg and UNCA instituted a trendsetting faculty exchange program in addition to the student exchange program.
  • Co-moderator of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (Biology), Spring, 1996
  • The Values of Science: The Potential for Humanity and Humanistic Life. Presented to all UNCA seniors in conjunction with the Humanities Department.


  • Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals
  • Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
  • Distinguished Research Scholar
  • Distinguished University Scholar
  • Department of Biology Departmental Honors
  • Starke Frauen in Vorarlberg (Strong Women in Vorarlberg), presented by the Vorarlberger Nachrichten (the state's leading newspaper), Austria. 1995.
  • Chancellor's List (perfect grades)
  • Nominated for the Manley Wright Award (the University's top scholar/best all-around student award).


  • Ecological Society of America
  • Phi Theta Kappa, international scholastic society

Personal Data

  • Born in Bregenz, Austria in 1963.
  • Attended Kaufmaennisches Kolleg, Handelsakademie, a business and economics school.
  • Worked two years as an export specialist for Bengor, a sports clothing firm.
  • My desire for higher education led me to the United States, where I married and began my college career.
  • Fluent in German (my native language).
  • Fit, expert skier, alpine hiker, tennis player.
  • Extended wilderness experience (mountain, desert, lake country); experienced with topographical maps and navigation.


  • George Wiggins, Team Leader, Esters unit, Celanese AG, 9502 Bayport Blvd., Pasadena TX 77057. 1-281-474-6462 e-mail
  • Daniel Ortiz, Team Leader, Acrylic Acid 2 unit, Celanese AG, 9502 Bayport Blvd., Pasadena TX 77057. 1-281-474-6200 e-mail
  • Marion Rifkind, Owner, Universe Technical Translation, Houston, Texas. 1-713-827-8800; fax 1-713-464-5511 e-mail
  • Dr. James Petranka. (Primary research, field zoology, amphibian studies, lab assistantships) email   1-828-232-5153
  • Dr. Michael Stuart. (Parasitology, teaching assistantships, fish surveys) email  1-828-232-5155
  • Dr. Timothy Forrest. (Behavioral ecology) email  1-828-232-5150
  • Dr. James Perry. (Botany, Lower Plants, Plant Identification, lab assistantships) email  1-828-251-6444
  • Mr. Herb Pomfrey. (Entomology) email  1-828-2232-5154
  • Chancellor Dr. Patsy Reed. email  
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