

Andrea W. Rushlow, RN

50 Kalmia Drive
Asheville, NC 28804-1952
Tel./Fax: +01 828-251-9855


Expertise in cultural, written, and verbal German translation: technical and casual, simultaneous and consecutive. Three years experience in field research, top scholastic awards, good supervisory, and unusually good people skills. Recognized writing skills. Successful entrepreneur.

Work experience

Registered Nurse June 2005 to Present
Asheville, North Carolina

Nursing offers a great deal to me. First, it allows me to combine my background and training in biology with a sincere desire to help other people. Second, the opportunities seem endless: I am presently pursuing advanced degrees in nursing which will allow independent practice, perhaps in anesthesiology or genetics. Third, it is a field where I (like all other nurses) am in great demand. This is quite different from having to sell yourself to new clients every day.

I presently work at Mission Hospitals in the staffing pool, specializing in cardiac nursing in the stepdown units. I am also attending Western Carolina University on my path of continuing education.

Co-Owner: Netmeister June 1999 to Present
Bregenz, Austria

Combines my language, scientific, and writing skills. Although my company provides German-English translation services of all types, including medical, technical and promotional writing and translating, we specialize in the German-to-English translation and programming of central European Internet sites. Many European firms are discovering the Internet, especially now that the EC provides a much simpler, stable infrasturcture for multinational trade. Even small firms may conduct business in several countries whose principal language may be French, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Yugoslavian, Hungarian or Czechian. Rather than write web pages in all those languages, many firms opt to present themselves in English, the language of business. Their English translation must be very clear and simple if it is to be understood everywhere. My work and education in the United States equipped me well for this interesting challenge.

Our clients include brewerys, banks, hi-tech manufacturers, packaging companies, international delivery services, airlines, private investment firms, and tourist destinations such as ski resorts, hotels, and other activities that draw on multi-lingual clients.

Celanese AG June 1998 to April 1999
Clear Lake, Texas

Celanese AG is a world leader in the production of organic chemicals. Dow Chemical, in preparation for building an identical plant in Germany, needed scientifically grounded native-speaking translators to train German-speaking engineers and operators in the production of acrylic acid, butyl acrylate, and glacial acrylic acid. I provided both simultaneous and consecutive technical translation in classroom, laboratory, and on-site environments. I explained and help administer tests, and translate and write technical manuals and other materials. I was frequently called on to explain the "American way" of doing things, including management techniques and other non-technical concepts.

Supervisory and operational American personel were transferred to Germany for the start-up. I helped prepare and train these individuals for their stay in Germany, both culturally and technically. I also helped them understand and speak German.


University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA) September 1995 to May 1997
Asheville, North Carolina

I designed a research program to study the adaptive significance of clear versus opaque egg masses oviposited by Ambystoma maculatum. Using both natural and man-made ponds at local and remote sites, I established a means to quantify various parameters of site selection, and to support hypotheses that related egg mass morphology to predation by a species previously held to be herbivorous. I directly supervised two undergraduate students in all aspects of the research, including secondary research and scientific writing.

University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA) August 1996 to March 1997
Asheville, North Carolina

I co-designed a series of scientific experiments that established the opportunistic feeding behavior of Rana sylvatica on egg masses of Ambystoma maculatum. I completed the secondary research, executed the primary research, published the results in Herpetologica and the UNCA Journal of Undergraduate Research, and received a grant to present my findings at an undergraduate research conference in Austin, Texas.


Asheville-Buncombe Technical College 2003 to 2005
Asheville, North Carolina

  • Associate of Nursing
  • Graduated with Highest Honors
  • NCLEX passed June, 2005
University of North Carolina at Asheville (UNCA) 1994 to 1997
Asheville, North Carolina

  • BA, Biology
  • Graduated Summa Cum Laude with a 4.0 GPA
  • "Who's Who" of American Students
  • Courses of special interest include scientific writing, amphibian studies, vertebrate field zoology, parasitology, and behavior, all of which sharpened my thinking and scientific writing skills.
  • I assisted Carolina Power and Light biologists as a volunteer, helping with fish and aquatic surveys to determine the impact of that company's operations on local environments.
  • In Kursen wie Entomologie und Pflanzen-Identifizierung lernte ich wie wissenschaftliche Daten gesammelt und ausgewertet werden.
  • Teaching and lab assistantships improved my supervisory skills.
  • Varsity Tennis
Asheville-Buncombe Technical College 1992 to 1994
Asheville, North Carolina

  • Associate of Science
  • Graduated with Highest Honors
  • 4.0 GPA
  • Phi Theta Kappa international scholastic society


  • "Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Ambystoma maculatum Embryos: Implications of Ecological Role Reversals by Rana (predator) and Ambystoma (prey)." Herpetologica, March 1998.
  • "Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Egg Masses and Embryos of Ambystoma maculatum." UNCA Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol. 10, Spring 1997.
  • "Consequences of Opportunistic Predation by a Primary Consumer (Rana) on a Predator (Ambystoma). Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Spring 1997.


  • UNCA Fall Symposium on Undergraduate Research: "Predation by Rana Sylvatica Tadpoles on Egg Masses and Embryos of Ambystoma maculatum."
  • Successfully presented UNCA as the university of choice in the state-to-state exchange program between North Carolina and Baden-Württemberg, Germany. As a result of my presentation, the Universtiy of Heidelberg and UNCA instituted a trendsetting faculty exchange program as well as a student exchange program.
  • Co-moderator of the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (Biology).
  • The Values of Science: The Potential for Humanity and Humanistic Life. Presented to all UNCA seniors in conjunction with the Humanities Department.
  • Texas, Austin: "Consequences of Opportunistic Predation by a Primary Consumer (Rana) on a Predator (Ambystoma).


  • Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges
  • Distinguished Research Scholar
  • Distinguished University Scholar
  • Department of Biology Departmental Honors
  • Starke Frauen in Vorarlberg (Strong Women in Vorarlberg), presented by the Vorarlberger Nachrichten (the state's leading newspaper), Austria, 1995.
  • Chancellor's List (perfect grades)
  • Nominated for the Manley Wright Award (the University's top scholar/best all-around student award).


  • Ecological Society of America
  • Phi Theta Kappa, international scholastic society

Personal Data

  • Born in Bregenz, Austria in 1963.
  • Economic High School, Sacre-Coer Riedenburg, Bregenz 1978-1983
  • Attended Kaufmännisches Kolleg, Handelsakademie, a business and economics school, Bregenz, Austria 1983-1985
  • Worked two years as an export specialist for Benger, a sports clothing firm, Bregenz 1985-1987
  • My desire for higher education led me to the United States (1987), where I married (1990), and began my college career.
  • Fluent in German (my native language) and English.
  • Fit, expert skier, alpine hiker, tennis player.
  • Extended wilderness experience (mountain, desert, lake country); experienced with topographical maps and navigation.


  • Ramona Whichello, VP and Chief Nursing Officer, Mission Hospitals, Asheville, NC. 828-213-1131; fax 828-213-1151; email
  • Marion Rifkind, Owner, Universe Technical Translation, Houston, Texas. 713-827-8800; fax 713-464-5511; email:
  • Daniel Ortiz, Team Leader, Acrylic Acid II unit, Celanese AG, 9502 Bayport Blvd., Pasadena TX 77057. 281-474-6200; email:
  • George Wiggins, Team Leader, Esters unit, Celanese AG, 9502 Bayport Blvd., Pasadena TX 77057. 281-474-6462; email:
  • Dr. James Petranka. (Primary research, field zoology, amphibian studies, lab assistantships) email: 828-232-5153
  • Dr. Michael Stuart. (Parasitology, teaching assistantships, fish surveys) email: 828-232-5155
  • Dr. Timothy Forrest. (Behavioral ecology) email: 828-232-5150
  • Dr. James Perry. (Botany, Lower Plants, Plant Identification, lab assistantships) email: 828-251-6444
  • Mr. Herb Pomfrey. (Entomology) email: 828-2232-5154
  • Chancellor Patsy Reed. email: