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Rana sylvatica (diner)

Andrea W. Rushlow

Ambystoma maculatum larvae (dinner)

Published Scientific Works

Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Ambystoma maculatum Embryos: Implications of Ecological Role Reversals by Rana (predator) and Ambystoma (prey). Herpetologica, March,1998.

Consequences of Opportunistic Predation by a Primary Consumer (Rana) on a Predator (Ambystoma). Proceedings of the Eleventh National Conference on Undergraduate Research. Spring 1997.

Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Egg Masses and Embryos of Ambystoma maculatum. UNCA Journal of Undergraduate Research, Vol. 10, Spring 1997.


UNCA Fall Symposium on Undergraduate Research: "Predation by Rana sylvatica Tadpoles on Egg Masses and Embryos of Ambystoma maculatum."

National Conference for Undergraduate Students, Austin, Texas: "Consequences of Opportunistic Predation by a Primary Consumer (Rana) on a Predator (Ambystoma)."


I designed a research program to study the adaptive significance of clear versus opaque egg masses oviposited by Ambystoma maculatum. Using both natural and man-made ponds at local and remote sites, I established a means to quantify various parameters of site selection, and to support hypotheses that related egg mass morphology to predation by a species previously held to be herbivorous. I directly supervised two undergraduate students in all aspects of the research, including secondary research and scientific writing.

Professor Jim Petranka and I designed a series of scientific experiments that established the opportunistic feeding behavior of Rana sylvatica on egg masses of Ambystoma maculatum. I completed the secondary research, executed the primary research, published the results in Herpetologica and the UNCA Journal of Undergraduate Research, and received a grant to present my findings at an undergraduate research conference in Austin, Texas.
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