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The Company  German

General Parcel Austria was formed through the merger of several medium-sized shipping companies into one company for package distribution.

Quality, customer orientation and European presence are the basis of the General Parcel philosophy. Ten Austrian locations ensure optimal coverage of the country and convenient locations for our customers. Twenty-eight partners located throughout Europe and overseas provide us an international presence.

We offer our customers a breadth of service we call "The Compleat Package." Package service today involves far more than simple transport from point "A" to point "B."
In the business-to-business arena, General Parcel works with commercial customers on both the sending and receiving ends.

Founded in 1992, General Parcel Austria is already Austria's second-largest private package delivery service. We now handle five times the number of packages as we did in in 1992; in 1997, for example, we handled in excess of six million packages.

By the way, General Parcel is the only international package service in Europe that meets ISO 9001 quality standards. We were certified for delivery to all EC countries in 1996.

Facts and Figures

Package services