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Austrian Adventure
We're ba-ack! After a delightful summer and a splendid fall in Asheville, Andrea and I flew to
Pompano Beach, Florida to visit Mom and Dad. We enjoyed an additional serendipity: our friends Douglas and
Eva Scott flew with us from Atlanta and spent the week with us. A good time was had by all.
I was especially interested to inspect the new apartment my folks were buying. I knew the area very well, because I had docked my Hatteras "Rusty Pelican" at the marina at the foot of the new apartment. It's great! Very Key West, with bright colors and tin roofs. Big, too. Five bedrooms, high ceilings, fireplaces, elevator, high-tech wiring, views of the ocean (at least from the 2nd and 3rd floors), and (as the ads say) more. Still, it will be hard for them to sell their beach house, hand-built board-by-board under the supervision of my mother. No, no. I don't mean she went down and watched every day, I mean direct supervision. She plopped on a hard-hat, learned to swear adequately, and ran the job as general contractor. After our visit, we flew back to Asheville to prepare the house for winter and to prepare ourselves for Austria. We managed to fly with carry-on luggage only, for all the good it did us. We sat at the very back of the plane, so by the time we shuffled off, everybody's luggage had made it to the lazy Susan. No landings for 20 minutes, then three international arrivals all at once! The line through passport control was long and slow. We were rewarded by a trip from Munich to Bregenz in a new Jag my father-in-law had purchased in celebration of his retirement. Our apartment looked great, decorated with flowers and a freshly baked cake. The BMW dealer had picked out a new car for us, and on November 2nd, 2000 we were ready to begin our Austrian adventure, part II. We look forward to the skiing, to the implementation of a new internet advertising program we designed for Rheintalflug, to the implementation of a common currency throughout the EC, and to visits from our friends. Henry Stern will be here with his son, and Douglas and Eva plan to spend New Year's with us. We'll keep you posted. Read an earlier newsletter